Rules of Conduct:
- Students must obey the driver or any other staff member assigned to the bus.
- Students may only ride their assigned bus unless pre-arrangements have been made.
- Students are not allowed to depart the bus at any stop other than their assigned stop.
- Students must remain in the seat assigned by the driver.
- Students shall observe classroom conduct on the bus. Noise shall be kept to a minimum, and no obscene gestures.
- No smoking or ignition source of any kind on the bus.
- No eating or drinking on bus unless specifically authorized and supervised by an accompanying teacher, coach, school staff member or where a district medical plan states otherwise.
- Students shall not open windows without driver permission.
- Students must keep all body parts inside the bus at all times.
- Items prohibited from the bus include: sticks; breakable containers; weapons; skateboards; firearms; straps or pins protruding from clothing; and large, bulky items which cannot be held or placed on the floor between legs.
- Books and other personal belongings must be kept out of the aisle and emergency doorways.
- No animals allowed except those providing assistance to disabled students.
- Students shall not sit in drivers seat.
- Refrain from talking to the driver unless necessary.
- Students shall go directly to a seat upon loading the bus and remain properly seated at all times while on the bus (seated facing forward).
- Students must load and unload the bus in an orderly manner, no pushing or shoving.
- Students shall not cross the street behind the bus unless using a crosswalk or traffic signal.
- Students shall stand away from the roadway curb when any bus is approaching or leaving a stop.
- Students going to and from their bus stop where there are no sidewalks should walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. Students shall go directly to their home after leaving the bus.
- Students in school buses equipped with seat belts shall be required to wear them properly adjusted whenever the school bus is in motion.
- Students shall follow emergency exit drill procedures as instructed by drivers.
- Students shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment.
- Parents of students identified causing damage to buses shall be charged with the cost of incurred damage.
- Student misconduct shall constitute sufficient reason for suspending transportation privileges.
- Laser pointers are not allowed on the bus.
SCSD Policy #6605 and Procedures 6605P.