February 15 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington  98292

February 15, 2022
5:00 Executive Session
6:00 Regular Meeting



Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans (joined the meeting at 5:05 p.m.), and Natalie Hagglund
Board Member(s) Absent: Ken Christoferson (Excused)

President Hagglund announced the board would recess to an executive session for one hour to review the performance of a district employee.

President Hagglund reconvened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Director Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Director Schreiber moved to approve the Agenda for the February 15, 2022, Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Murry.

Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

February 1, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes  
Director Murry moved to approve the Minutes for the February 1, 2022, Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Schreiber.

Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Natalie Hagglund

Abstain: Director Miranda Evans


1. Donations  
Student Advisor Andrew Norton presented the Donations.

2. Enrollment Report - Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the enrollment for February 2022. Enrollment increased from January to February 32 students; primarily at elementary level. Director Evans had a question about reduced enrollment in eleventh grade. Dr. Rumbaugh will look into this and report back.

 3. Stanwood Middle School Report - Tod Klundt
Principal Tod Klundt presented an overview that included student data on enrollment, students meeting standard in English Language Arts, Math and Science, attendance. Data on the number of classroom teachers and their average years of teaching experience was also presented. Assistant Principal Harris shared information about Panorama, a platform used for tracking student data, and updated the board on the work that is continuing with the social and emotional learning curriculum, Character Strong. Other highlights included school goals around student homework completion and building teacher skills around supporting students to foster a climate of work completion. 

4. Early Withdrawal Report - Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the Annual Early Withdrawal Report, per board policy 3112. Dr. Rumbaugh highlighted data in the attached table for Stanwood and Lincoln Hill High School students in grades 10, 11 and 12 who fall into the early withdrawal category. Dr. Rumbaugh clarified the coding that is used in the table and noted the district will continue to track this data and follow up on those students designated as an early withdrawal, reason unknown.

5. Levy Update - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, announced that the February 8, 2022 Replacement Capital Projects and Technology Levy is currently failing by 356 votes, 48.35% to 51.65% against; he noted results will be certified by the county on February 18, 2022. Mr. Lidgard shared school districts are allowed to place a measure on the ballot a second time within one year and recommended to the board that the district place the Replacement Capital Projects and Technology Levy on the April 26, 2022 special elections ballot. Mr. Lidgard noted the resolution on tonight’s Consent Agenda contains the exact information as the resolution for the February 8, 2022 election with the date updated to April 26, 2022.


President Hagglund offered an opportunity for anyone in attendance to speak to any items on the Consent Agenda and offered the board an opportunity to pull any items for discussion. Director Murry pulled the Personnel Consent Agenda, item #6, for discussion. There were no requests to speak. 

Director Evans motioned to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 5 and 7; seconded by Director Schreiber.

Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously



 Director Murry asked for clarification on the new positions of patrol supervisor at Stanwood Middle School. Ryan Ovenell, Executive Director of Human Resources, clarified patrol time was added at Stanwood Middle School, as requested by the principal, in an effort to ensure student safety at the bus lines at dismissal time and that the added time will remain through the end of the school year. Dr. Rumbaugh clarified these are not new positions but time added to existing positions for supervisory purposes. 

Director Murry moved to approve Consent Agenda item #6, Personnel Consent; seconded by Director Evans

Aye: Directors All Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously


1. Approval of Donations.

2. Approval of Stanwood High School Field Trips, as listed below:
    a. Boys Swim State Tournament, February 17-19, 2022, Federal Way, Washington
    b. Girls and Boys Wrestling State Tournament, February 17-19, 2022 Tacoma, Washington
    c. Girls and Boys Basketball State Tournament, March 1-5, 2022, Tacoma, Washington
    d. Cheer Team for Girls and Boys Basketball, March 1-5, 2022, Tacoma, Washington

3. Adopt Resolution 2021/2022-006 directing County Auditors to place a Facilities and Technology Capital Levy Measure on the April 26, 2022 ballot to replace an expiring 4-year Capital Projects and Technology Levy. (Resolution attachment will be available February 15)

4. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with Snohomish Health Department regarding implementation of the "Test to Stay" ("Return to Learn") program.

5. Renewal of Contract with Snohomish County to provide Student Support Advocates - Maurene Stanton

6. Approval of the February 15, 2022, Personnel Consent Agenda.

7. Approval of Bills and Payroll. (attachment will be available on February 14, 2022)


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.

John Wallis addressed the board regarding his ongoing concern regarding his student’s safety plan. Mr. Wallis’ comments included a review of the timeline from filing to receiving a safety plan; comments that the district made changes to the plan that were not communicated to the parents and resulting in a lack of transparency, and he reviewed the role of the Title IX coordinator as described in district policy 3206 with regard to transparency.


Richard Thompson addressed the board regarding Title IX requirements with regard to sexual assault and his concern regarding an investigation that has taken place by district members and assigned designees. Mr. Thompson questioned the ability of the Title IX coordinator and designee. He expressed concern regarding the handling of an investigation and referenced earlier concerns shared by Mr. Wallis. Mr. Thompson referenced requirements outlined in 3206P and said he questions the ability of those involved in the decisions. 


Amber Hettinger commented in detail about her concern regarding students being bullied in school and described what she sees transpiring. She reflected on parent volunteers being able to be at school and help prior to the pandemic and stated there is a need for additional staffing to monitor students and watch for bullying situations. Ms. Hettinger urged the board to address these concerns.



1. Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA) Annual Conference - Director Evans
Director Evans deferred on speaking about the WSSDA Conference as it has been covered at previous meetings.

The policies listed below and reviewed by the board were designated as follows:

2. First Reading Revised Policy 5400 Personnel Leaves - Maurene Stanton

There were no questions and revised policy 5400 moved forward for a second reading.

3. First Reading Revised Policy 5401 Sick Leave - Maurene Stanton
There were no questions and revised policy 5401 moved forward for a second reading.

4. First Reading Revised Policy 5402 Maternity Leave - Maurene Stanton

Director Evans questioned the use of gender pronouns used throughout the policy and there was consensus to review this policy further. Revised policy 5402 did not move forward for a second reading.


5. First Reading Revised Policy 5403 Family Emergency and Discretionary Leaves - Maurene Stanton
There were no questions and revised policy 5403 was moved forward for a second reading.

6. First Reading Revised Policy 5404 Family and Medical Leave - Maurene Stanton
There were no questions and revised policy 5404 was moved forward for a second reading.

7. First Reading New Policy 5409 Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience - Ryan Ovenell
There were no questions and new policy 5409 was moved forward for a second reading.


Andrew Norton, Stanwood High School, reported students are following COVID rules and staying masked up; ASB has been promoting positivity and recognition around Black History Month, Presidents Day and the end of the semester; sports are doing really well, including swim, wrestling, and boys and girls basketball; clubs are continuing to meet as planned and it was noted that the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) had all 30 members placed in regionals and will head to state competition this April; the student senate will meet next week; ASB instagram has been well received and is being used to share information on what is happening at the high school; COVID testing has been offered for students and families who feel the need to be tested; today is School Resource Officer recognition day and SRO Bud McCurry was recognized; and, singing valentines for Valentine’s Day were well received.


 Madalyn Thornton, Lincoln Hill High School, reported that students have volunteered to assist with the Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation philanthropy awards on March 18th; the Post Holiday Food Drive has wrapped up; the Stanwood-Camano Food Bank has donated supplies for students to take home and food for the pantry; the Equity Club designed a slideshow in honor of Black History Month; and ASB elections for second semester will be held this Thursday.



Director Murry’s comments included appreciation to the Washington Music Education Association for the $6,000.00 donation in support of the music program; appreciation for the Superintendent’s reports, including she looks forward to seeing some clean-up on the early withdrawal report this spring; and appreciation for addressing safety issues at Stanwood Middle School and Lincoln Hill High School’s involvement in honoring Black History Month.


 Director Evans shared she is excited to be back after missing a couple of meetings; she is happy to see sports teams doing so well; and complimented the FBLA team on all members moving forward in the competition. 


Director Schreiber’s comments included sharing about his trip to Oympia last week and meeting with Superintendent Rykdal and his Chief of Staff on various educational issues; expressing appreciation to sports teams, student athletes, coaches and boosters; thanking the Washington Music Education Association for their generous donation; and expressing excitement at reading about what is happening with special education, Robert Hascall and the new Special Services Director, Melissa Robertson. Director Schreiber congratulated those who are retiring and noted  retiring office manager Ruth Turner has been with the district for 37 years; he wished them all well. Director Schreiber thanked the student advisors for their reports.


 Director Hagglund acknowledged School Resource Officer Appreciation Day today and noted it is also School Counselor recognition this month. Director Hagglund thanked these individuals  for all they do and for the many hats they wear as they assist students and families. 


Superintendent Rumbaugh extended her appreciation to the district team for their work on policy revisions and new policy and to community members who spoke and provided feedback tonight.

President Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.






Vice President







Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board