Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
July 6, 2021 - 1:00 PM
The July 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting was held in person with an option to view livestream using the link below.
Board Vice President Miranda Evans called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm. Director Evans shared about two opportunities on the agenda for the public to speak.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Board Members Absent: Natalie Hagglund (Excused)
Miranda Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Al Schreiber moved to approve the Agenda for the July 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Charlotte Murry.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Passed - Unanimously
June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes
Ken Christoferson moved to approve the Minutes for the June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting; seconded by Al Schreiber.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Passed - Unanimously
June 29, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes
Charlotte Murry moved to approve the Minutes for the June 29, 2021 Special Meeting; seconded by Al Schreiber.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Passed - Unanimously
1. Donations
Ken Christoferson presented the donations.
2. 2021-2022 Budget Update - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reviewed in detail the proposed 2021-2022 budgets for the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Debt Service Fund, Associated Student Body Fund, and Transportation Vehicle Fund. Mr. Lidgard shared free breakfast and lunch will be offered to students for the 2021-22 school year (USDA Waiver). Discussion on the proposed budget followed.
3. HIB (Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying) Report - Mark Carter
Mark Carter, Director of Student Services and Safety, provided an overview of the 2020-2021 School Year Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report.
Miranda Evans asked board members for any Consent items they wished to pull and offered an opportunity for the public to speak on any items specific to the Consent Agenda. There being none, Director Evans asked for a motion to approve Consent items 1 through 11 as listed below.
Ken Christoferson moved to approve the Consent items 1 through 11; seconded by Charlotte Murry.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Passed - Unanimously
1. Approval of Donations.
2. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Island County Fire Protection District No. 1 for the Fire Service Training Program for the 2021-2022 School Year.
3. Approval of the 6-Year Accreditation Renewal Agreement with Northwest Educational Service District 189 on behalf of the Association of Educational Service Districts for school facilitation services for Stanwood High School.
4. Approval of the Inter-District Cooperative Agreement with Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center, Mukilteo School District, for educational programs.
5. Approval of the Interagency Data Sharing Agreement with the Office of the Washington State Auditor as required by ESSB 5432 concerning cybersecurity and data sharing in Washington state government.
6. Approval of District Bus Purchase authorization.
7. Approval of the Affiliation Agreement with Washington State University to provide field experience and student intern placements for Washington State University students.
8. Approval of the Teaching Field Experience Agreement with Western Washington University for student internship opportunities.
9. Approval of Non Represented Employee Vacation Day Buy Back.
10. Approval of the Expenditure of Capital Project Fund resources for the ADA door and access control projects at Utsalady Elementary and Stanwood Middle Schools.
11. Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda.
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.
Following is a list of individuals who provided public comment:
Tracey Meck, Camano Island resident, regarding concerns about Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion curriculum in schools.
Rick Flores, Stanwood resident, regarding concern about people considering Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as the same, and concern about people thinking Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools.
Tracy Abuhl, Camano Island resident, regarding concern about a special education survey administered by the district; Ms. Abuhl advocated for students attending school full time with no masks.
Dori Ohlson, Camano Island resident, regarding concern about a proposed district policy that limits community speaking time and concern about Critical Race Theory and Sex Education curriculum in schools.
Patrick Fogerty, Camano Island resident, regarding concern about students wearing masks in school.
Melissa Hutsell, Stanwood resident, regarding concern about students wearing masks and concern about certain curriculum in schools.
Dan Aldano, Camano Island resident, regarding concern about Critical Race Theory in schools.
Laura Glowaski, Stanwood resident, regarding concern about students wearing masks in schools.
Barbara Mitchell, Camano Island resident, asked about a return to school plan and when details will be shared.
Kim Koehler, Stanwood resident, shared a story regarding the effect COVID 19 restrictions had on her family, and shared her concern about students returning to school with a mask requirement.
Jaime Wickstrom, Camano Island resident, regarding a request for information on the district partnering with the organization Push for Dreams, and a request for the Board to represent the parents of the district, not government.
Christa Long, Camano Island resident, regarding concern about the vaccine and vaccine mandates.
Barry McGlothin, district resident, expressed concern and disappointment regarding the past school year, and concern about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in education. Mr. McGlothin asked where the district stands on CRT, masks and testing.
Donna Rex, presented an envelope to the superintendent and each board member and followed up with comments on Oath of Office accountability.
Brian Ronk, Stanwood resident, expressed concern about the future and asked how the district plans to move forward on Critical Race Theory and masks.
Ally Flato, district student, described how the effects of having equity and mental health supports in school has been a positive experience for her.
1. First reading, Policy 1005 Key Functions of the Board
There was no discussion; 1005 moved forward for a second reading.
2. First reading, Policy 1400 Meeting Conduct, Order of Business, and Quorum
There was no discussion; 1400 moved forward for a second reading.
3. First reading, Policy 1430 Audience Participation
Discussion ensued and board members expressed they would like to further review Policy 1430 at a study session. Policy 1430 did not move forward for a second reading.
4. First reading, Policy 5406 Leave Sharing
There was no discussion; 5406 moved forward for a second reading.
Al Schreiber’s comments included thanking everyone for attending and for their comments; welcoming Dr. Rumbaugh to her first board meeting; and looking forward to the fall reopening.
Charlotte Murry thanked everyone for attending, adding it is important for the board to hear comments, and shared it is exciting to hear students will receive free meals next year. Director Murry welcomed Dr. Rumbaugh to her first meeting.
Ken Christoferson’s comments included reflecting on the courage it took for everyone to come forward; sharing that it is a tribute to people and the courage they have to share their beliefs; thanking everyone who provided comment; and, noting that although everyone may not agree on some issues, everyone shares a belief that they care deeply about the children in the community.
Dr. Rumbaugh expressed appreciation and thanks for everyone’s willingness to come forward.
Miranda Evan's comments included thanking everyone for their patience while she facilitated a board meeting for the first time.
Miranda Evans adjourned the regular meeting at 2:19 PM.
Vice President
Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board