Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
April 19, 2022
6:00 pm Regular Meeting
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Students Advisors Present: Andrew Norton
Student Advisors Absent: Madalyn Thornton (excused)
Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Schreiber moved to approve the April 19, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda; seconded by Director Murry.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
March 15, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
Director Christoferson moved to approve the Minutes for the March 15, 2022, Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Evans.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
School Library Month
President Hagglund read the attached Proclamation in honor of School Library Month. On behalf of the Board, President Hagglund congratulated all district librarians. Photos were taken.
1. Introductions - Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh introduced new administrators, effective July 1, 2022: Ben Gauyan, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning; Ruth Floyd, Executive Director of Business Services; Kimberly Caldwell, Principal Cedarhome Elementary; and Tim Dickinson, Principal Elger Bay Elementary. Superintendent Rumbaugh shared Dr. Gauyan comes to the district as an Area Superintendent of Instructional Leadership for Highline Public Schools; Ms. Floyd, as Budget Manager, Everett School District; Kimberly Caldwell, as Principal in the Lakewood School District; and, Tim Dickinson as Principal and Director of Teaching and Learning in the Conway School District. The Board welcomed the new administrators.
2. Donations
Student Advisor Andrew Norton presented the donations.
3. Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Region 109 Awards - Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh provided background on the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) organization and their award selection process. Dr. Rumbaugh announced Ryan Ovenell, Maurene Stanton, James McCafferty, Madalyn Thornton and Andrew Norton were selected to receive the Award of Merit, Student Achievement Leadership Award, Community Leadership Award, and Student Leadership Award, respectively. All were congratulated. Photos were taken.
4. Enrollment Report - Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh reported a slight decline in enrollment for April, adding this is typical this time of year and can be attributed to a number of things including attrition, transition, early graduation, the Open Doors Youth Reengagement program, and Running Start.
5. March Financial Report - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, presented the March 2022 financial update. Mr. Lidgard reviewed the Fund Balance, Object Summary (salary and benefits), and the General Fund, Debt Service Fund and Transportation Vehicle Fund budget status reports. Mr. Lidgard also reported on the district’s annual state audit, noting it is currently taking place (remotely) and results are expected to be published in May. Mr. Lidgard shared the district has been notified it is the recipient of the State Auditors Stewardship Award and it will be presented to the district at the May 3, 2022, board meeting. Director Christoferson expressed his appreciation and thanks for the efforts of everyone in the district who made the award possible.
6. Special Education Update - Robert Hascall
Robert Hascall, Executive Director of Special Services, presented statewide and district LRE data (Least Restrictive Environment practices to create improved educational options for students with disabilities) and detailed steps the district is taking to identify and close LRE gaps. Other areas reported on were the ASSIST Program, Early Learning, and Special Services communications to families. Discussion followed.
7. Restraint and Isolation Annual Report - Robert Hascall
Robert Hascall walked the board through data on student restraint and isolation for 2016-17 through 2021-22 year-to-date. Mr. Hascall described restraint and isolation interventions such as Right Response and Ukeru training (an intervention program offering alternatives to the use of restraints and isolation), as well as monitoring systems that are in place. Discussion followed, including a board member question regarding injury reports (staff) to which Mr. Hascall replied he will follow up with that information.
6. Stanwood High School Report - Principal Christine DelPozo presented school data, highlighting a 93 percent graduation rate for the 2020-21 school year. Data included academic performance by student demographic and percent of students who graduated in four years, 2012-13 through 2021-21. Principal Del Pozo shared school highlights which included the new building, athletics/activities, equity focus, and targeted professional development on instructional strategies. School goals and next steps include strategies to increase student success. Discussion followed, including a board member question on student participation rate in the Smarter Balance Achievement (SBA) test to which Principal Del Pozo replied she will follow up with that information.
Director Schreiber moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items 1 through 16 as listed; seconded by Director Murry.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
1. Approve Donations.
2. Approve the Second Reading to retire policy 5405 Emergency Leave.
3. Approve the Second Reading of revised policy 6212 Charge Cards.
4. Approve the Second Reading of revised policy 6220 Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements.
5. Approve Stanwood High School Field Trips, as listed below:
a) Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Meats Evaluation and Livestock Judging, May 3-5, 2022, Spokane, Washington;
b) Future Farmers of America (FFA) State FFA Convention, May 30-June 1, 2022, Pullman, Washington;
c) Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Competition Milk Quality and Veterinary Science, May 30 - June 1, 2022, Pullman, Washington; and
d) Technology Student Association (TSA) National Conference, June 26-30, 2022, Dallas, Texas.
6. Approve a Public Hearing, for the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, to be held during the August 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting.
7. Adopt Resolution 2021/2022-007, Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver, allowing school districts to waive certain graduation requirements on an individual student basis.
8. Approve the 2022-23 Interlocal Cooperative Agreements with the Northwest Educational Service District 189 for the following programs:
a) Snohomish Discovery
b) Northwest Regional Learning Center
9. Approve the 2022-23 Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the Northwest Educational Service District 189 for the Snohomish County Detention Center Education Program.
10 Approve the Contract with the Northwest Educational Service District 189 for the implementation and expansion of school-based Behavioral Health Services support systems for 2022-23.
11. Approve the License Agreement with Agile Mind for computer-based on-line learning programs, tools, and services, for the 2022-23 school year.
12. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Marysville School District for the Regional Apprenticeship Pathways (RAP) Career and Technical Education Program, effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2026.
13. Approve the Purchase of Chromebooks to replace those devices that are reaching their Automated Update Expiration (AUE).
14. Approve the Education Affiliation Agreement with Eastern Washington University to provide field experiences for education candidates of Eastern Washington University.
15. Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda dated April 19, 2022.
16. Approve Bills and Payroll.
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.
There was no public comment.
President Hagglund facilitated discussion on items 1 through 5, policy first reading, and there was consensus to move items 1 through 5 on for a second reading.
1. First Reading revised Policy 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
2. First Reading revised Policy 5202 Federal Motor Carrier Safety
3. First Reading revised Policy 5240 Evaluation of Staff
4. First Reading revised Policy 5407 Military Leave
5. First Reading revised Policy 5408 Jury Duty and Subpoena Leave
6. Coffee with the Board
President Hagglund sought board member input on moving forward with a third Coffee with the Board before the end of this school year versus waiting until early Fall. Discussion ensued. Board members agreed they would gather input on what community members would like to see happen with regard to this event and discuss again at a future board meeting.
Andrew Norton’s report covered the following:
The new school is amazing;
students are following omicron and covid requirements;
ASB continues to promote positivity, including hosting a senior dessert night;
ASB is doing a mental health week promotion through social media and communications;
the school egg hunt was very popular and competitive;
sports teams are doing fantastic;
clubs are continuing to meet and participating in competitions;
the Student Senate met with ASB officers to share their input;
a multi-cultural night is being planned;
the school’s first dance in two years was held and went very well; and
ASB officers for 22-23 have been elected and class officer elections are being held next week.
Director Schreiber’s comments included welcoming new leadership; congratulating WASA award winners; noting athletics and activities are doing well; expressing appreciation for community donations; thanking Robert Hascall and Christine Del Pozo for their reports; reflecting on the auditor’s award and the work that goes into receiving such a recognition; sharing about attending a recent WSSDA Leadership conference; and noting the upcoming levy.
Director Murry’s comments included welcoming new administrators and excitement for what they will bring to the district; excitement at hearing about the honors the district has received and sharing everyone should be proud; excitement for the end of the school year; and appreciation to those who reported, adding she especially appreciates receiving the data and numbers.
Director Christoferson’s comments included welcoming new staff, thanking those who gave reports; and thanking everyone for the work they continue to do every day to make this a better place for students.
Directors Evans comments included welcoming new staff; expressing excitement for the awards and noting, while it is nice to internally recognize good work, it is always nice to receive external appreciation; appreciation for all of the events happening at the high school and opportunities for the community be in the building and see what is taking place; and sharing about an opportunity to attend a high school play.
Director Hagglund thanked everyone for attending and shared it makes for an enjoyable evening when a lot of celebration takes place.
President Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 7:31 p.m.
Vice President
Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board