Welcome to the Stanwood-Camano School District community e-Flier Folder!
- Find information from local non-profit organizations and community groups for families!
- Sign up to receive a free e-mail alert when the e-Flier Folder is updated with new community fliers around the 15th and 30th of each month! It's easy! Simply follow the link and hit "send" to sign up today! SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE E-FLIER FOLDER UPDATES.
(SCSD will not share your e-mail address with any other groups for any other purpose.)
- Want to submit an e-Flier for posting on this page? E-fliers can be submitted starting on August 31st, up until the deadline date of June 1st. PLEASE SEND YOUR SUBMISSIONS BY E-MAILING: shoffman@stanwood.wednet.edu and attaching your PDF. Please also include information for website posting and/or if you want hard copies at schools. E-Fliers that have been approved for distribution in schools are allowed 25 copies, per designated school, per board policy and procedure 4230 and 4230P. Organizations are responsible to provide copies. The paragraph below, must be included on your flyer:
"The Stanwood-Camano School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities or organizations announced in this flier, and undertakes no responsibility to supervise these events. This information is provided as a community service at the request of the event sponsor and organizer. This is not a district sponsored or endorsed event."