May 7, 2019, Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Al Schreiber, Board President, called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM in the Administration & Resource Center Boardroom.

Board members in attendance were:  Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Chad Lewis, and Al Schreiber
Absent (Excused):  Julie Dean

Al Schreiber invited a student to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chad Lewis made a motion to approve the Agenda for the May 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting.  Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.   

Chad Lewis made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2019, Regular Board Meeting.  Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

Natalie Hagglund made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2019, Special Board Meeting.  Chad Lewis seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

Dr. Jean Shumate introduced the following reports:

The donations were presented by Natalie Hagglund as follows:

1. The Stanwood Booster Club (Sports Account) made the following donation: 
    a. $542.44 for the Stanwood High School Track Team Field Trip to Jock and Jill, Seattle,
        and the Stanwood High School Soccer Team to Warm Beach Camp, Stanwood. 
2. The Arlington Garden Club donated $200.00 to FFA at Stanwood High School for
    miscellaneous expenses. 
3. The Utsalady Booster Club made the following donations:
    a. $327.30 to the Utsalady Elementary Music Program to buy recorders,
    b. $367.58 to the Stanwood-Camano School District to pay the Eagle Enrichment stipend
        for “Utsalady’s Got Talent,” and
    c. $738.63 to pay the Eagle Enrichment stipend for “Book Art.”
4. Cultural Homestay International made the following donations:
    a. $500.00 to Stanwood High School for the Celebration of Excellence event, and 
    b. $500.00 to Stanwood Middle School for the Associated Student Body Leadership. 
5. Cedarhome Elementary Parent Teacher Organization made the following donations:
    a. $10,000 for 5th Grade Technology in the Classroom -- made possible through an
        educational grant by the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, and
    b. $472.96 for the March 15 kindergarten field trip to Everett Children’s Museum. 
6. Elger Bay PTA donated $408.41 for the Elger Bay Elementary 2nd grade field trip to the
    Pacific Science Center. 
7.  The PTA at Port Susan Middle School donated $713.10 for Band and Choir field trips in

Dr. Jean Shumate introduced Maurene Stanton, Executive Director of Human Resources, Classified Staff, and Director of Public Relations.  Ms. Stanton read Governor Inslee's Proclamation, signed April 17, 2019, declaring May 6 through 10, 2019, as Teacher Appreciation Week, and May 7, 2019, as Teacher Appreciation Day in the State of Washington.  Ms. Stanton expressed appreciation for the work teachers do with students everyday, adding the district is fortunate to have such an amazing group of people to work with.  Dr. Shumate added teachers in individual schools and departments are being celebrated.  Ken Christoferson acknowledged the appropriateness of Teacher Appreciation Week and reflected on recognizing teachers every day for the benefits students in the community receive from quality teachers. He added the result is demonstrated each year as students go on to further their education or enter the workplace, adding the district is proud of the contributions these students are making to society.  

Dr. Jean Shumate invited Board Member Chad Lewis to report on the District Survey.  Mr. Lewis shared a decision was made to survey district staff as part of a collective commitment to the district’s parents, community and staff, and read the survey question as follows, “As part of the Board of Directors 2019 review of the district, we invite you to submit a recommendation for the Board:  What actions or changes should occur that will benefit our students?”  Mr. Lewis commented approximately 70 replies have been received to-date and the Board will use this information going forward. 

Dr. Shumate invited Ross Short, Career & Technical Education (CTE) Director to report on the district’s CTE program. Mr. Short shared a pamphlet highlighting CTE programs and walked the Board through a program review.  Highlights included a detailed overview of a CTE instructional model; programs offered at Stanwood Middle School, Stanwood High School, and Lincoln Hill High School; a snapshot of CTE Enrollment, 2012-13 through 2018-19; a CTE program evaluation and goal setting review for upcoming years; a curriculum and instructional materials review; program outcomes for students; 2019 Technology Student Association (TSA) and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) state competition results; and key legislation impacting CTE during the 2019 legislative session. Mr. Ross thanked the Board for their support of the CTE program.  Board discussion and questions followed to include enrollment history, components of an upcoming student survey, appreciation to the community for their support of the CTE program; make up of the Advisory Committee and sub groups, and an expression of thanks to the CTE staff for all they do and for reaching out to the middle schools.

Steve Lidgard provided a summary of the March 2019 Financial Report highlighting fund balances for the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Debt Service Fund, and the Transportation Vehicle Fund.  Mr. Lidgard shared the next board meeting will include the April Financial Report. 

Steve Lidgard reviewed May 2019 enrollment.  Noting there was a 6.73 FTE drop bringing the average for the year to 4458.46, Mr. Lidgard also noted enrollment is 97.46 FTE over the district’s budgeted enrollment for the year.    

Natalie Hagglund pulled consent agenda item #20, Personnel Consent Agenda, for discussion.

Chad Lewis made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 19 listed below. Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

1.  Donations.  
Utsalady Elementary School to Warm Beach Camp, May 23-24, 2019.  
3.  Stanwood High School field trips (a-f) as listed below:
     a) Boys Golf Team State Competition in Olympia, Washington, May 19-22, 2019, and
     b) Girls Golf Team State Competition in Lacey, Washington, May 19-22, 2019.
     c) Technology Student Association National Conference, Washington D.C., June 27 through July 3, 2019.  
     d) Boys Basketball Tournament, Phoenix, Arizona, June 26 through July 2, 2019.
     e) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Competition, San Antonio, Texas, June 27 through July 3, 2019.
     f) Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) 2019 State Competition, Warm Beach Camp, Stanwood, Washington, May 13-14, 2019.
4.  Public Hearing for the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget during the last regular School Board meeting of the year, August 20, 2019. 
5.  School Improvement Plans for Lincoln Hill High School and Lincoln Academy.  
6.  First Reading of Revised Personnel Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment.  
7.  Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3120 Enrollment.  That the Board approves the Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3120 Enrollment, dated May 7, 2019.  (LS)
8.  Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3141 Admission of Nonresident Students.  
9.  Second Reading of Revised Community Relations Policy 4130 Title I Parental Involvement.  
10.  Facility Use Contract with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for Utsalady Elementary 5th Grade Outdoor Education.  
 Agreement with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for the state Jobs for America's Graduates Conference May 13-14, 2019.  That the Board approves the Agreement with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for the state Jobs for America's Graduates Conference, May 13-14, 2019, dated May 7, 2019.  (SL)
12. Northwest Educational Services Center 189 Legal Services Cooperative Agreement for 2019-2020.  
13. Bus Purchase:  Two (2) 20-Passenger, Front-Engine School Buses and one(1) 12-Passenger, plus Wheel Chair Stations, Front-Engine Bus.  
14. Agriculture Education Program Re-Approval for Stanwood-Camano School District.  
15. Authorization for Administration to issue a Call for Bids for construction of the New Maintenance and Technology Center.  
16. Final Acceptance of the contract with Hellas Construction, Incorporated, for field/track renovations at Port Susan Middle School, as of March 20, 2019.  
17. Seismic Repair 
Bid Award for Stanwood Middle School.  
18.  Pavement Replacement Bid Award for Twin City Elementary.  
19. Adoption of Resolution 2018-2019/009 Disapproving Proposed Transfer of Territory from Arlington School District to Stanwood-Camano School District.  
20. Personnel Consent Agenda.  

Natalie Hagglund invited Maurene Stanton to discuss the Personnel Consent Agenda.  Ms. Stanton introduced Stanwood Middle School's new Assistant Principal, Holly Christmas-Harris, effective July 1, 2019.  Ms. Christmas-Harris shared about her years of experience with the Arlington School District and commented she is excited about her new opportunity with the Stanwood-Camano School District.  The Board welcomed Ms. Christmas-Harris to the district.

Chad Lewis made a motion to approve Consent Agenda item #20, Personnel Consent Agenda.  Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving citizens in its meetings.  To permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board will provide a period at each regular meeting during which citizens may address the Board.  Those wishing to speak should sign up in advance.  The Board welcomes comments but, in general, will not act on them during the meeting. 

Sue Robinson, Camano Island resident, detailed her concerns about the text book, By the People:  A History of the United States; author, James Fraser.  Ms. Robinson asked if the district uses the text as part of an adopted curriculum or if the district intends to purchase the textbook.  Ms. Robison asked the district to not purchase the book, adding she would like to know if the district does.  Dr. Shumate responded to Ms. Robinson that the district would follow up with her.      


Ken Christoferson shared he appreciated all of tonight's presentations, including receiving detailed information on the Career & Technical Education Program and the special mention of Teacher Appreciation Week.

Chad Lewis concurred with Ken Christoferson's comments.

Natalie Hagglund extended a thank you to teachers.  

Al Schreiber welcomed Holly Christmas-Harris to the district and thanked the student who led the Pledge of Allegiance.   

At 2:00 PM, Al Schreiber, Board President, recessed the regular meeting and announced the Board would go into Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes to review the performance of a district employee.  At 2:45 PM, Al Schreiber announced the Executive Session would continue for an additional fifteen minutes.  At 3:01 PM, Al Schrieber reconvened the regular meeting.  As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:01 PM.

Al Schreiber, Board President, adjourned the meeting at 3:01 PM.



Vice President





Jean Shumate, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board

Date of Approval