Emergency Planning
How You Can Help
- Ensure that your child’s emergency contact information is accurate and current.
- Become familiar with your school’s emergency communications procedures
The district is committed to providing accurate and timely information in the event of an emergency.
We will attempt to provide parents and guardians with accurate information as quickly as possible. However, please understand that events of this nature are very fluid and constantly changing. Also be aware that the information coming from other sources, such as news media, personal Facebook or Twitter, may not be accurate. Should your child contact you during such an event, remind them it is important they follow the directions of school staff.
Although your first reaction may be to call or rush to your child’s school, please follow the tips below.
DO NOT call your child’s school. Remember that all school staff have a role in the response, and your calls may distract them. Phone lines and staff will be needed for emergency response efforts.
- DO NOT phone your child. It may not always be safe for students or staff to answer incoming calls during an emergency or lockdown.
- DO NOT come to the school unless the district has advised you to do so. Parents arriving en masse will interfere with the emergency response and potentially put themselves at risk.
- If your student contacts you, stay calm and reassuring. Encourage them to follow the directions of school staff. Ask them to turn off their cell phone and not use social media.
- Stanwood Camano School District website and School Messenger may be used to provide information and updates.
- Rely only on official communication from school or public safety officials.
- Wait for direction from the district about if you need to pick up your child, and if so, when and where.
Who can pick up my children?
Children will only be released to individuals who are authorized on the student's emergency care card or who have written parent authorization.
Parents and guardians are responsible for the accuracy of the information on their child’s emergency care card. If parents have not completed a card, they need to do so. If information has changed, parents need to update the card.
Friends and neighbors may sign a child or children out with written permission from a parent or parents. Schools prefer to have written permission on the day that a child's pickup will change, but schools will also keep written permission on file. School offices will keep the permission notes; usually they will attach them to the emergency care cards. Schools will also ask for identification when the child is released to the ones mentioned in the permission note. At the elementary level, it is advisable to communicate with the teacher as well, perhaps with a copy of the signed written note.
What do I do if I see or hear of a threat after school hours?
All SCSD staff and members of the community are encouraged to report anything and everything they see or hear or are made aware of if it may impact any school or school program.
If you see or hear something, say something.
The reporting can be made via 911 or by using the SafeSchools Vector Alert Tip Reporting System.
Following an emergency
Listen to and acknowledge your child’s concerns. Provide reassurance that your child is safe. Assure your child that additional prevention efforts are being put into place. Seek help from school personnel or a mental health professional if concerns persist.
Safety Terms and School Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency at your child’s school, it is important to know these terms.
LOCKDOWN – A lockdown takes place if an internal or external threat is identified at the school. All school doors are locked and students are confined to classrooms. No entry into or exit from the school will be allowed until an “all -clear” announcement is made.
What does a lockdown look like for students?
There are two types of lockdowns:
- In a full lockdown: An announcement will be made over the intercom and repeated several times. If there's an intruder, the announcement may include a description. Teachers will pull students and visitors into their classrooms and lock the doors and close the blinds immediately. They will keep everyone sitting on the floor away from the door and windows. Everyone is encouraged to remain calm and quiet. The teachers will take attendance and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room. Everyone will remain in the room until a formal announcement is made signifying the end of the lockdown.
- In a lockout: All exterior doors are locked, blinds are closed and students are kept in the building, but movement between rooms within the school may be permitted. A Lockout protects students and staff from a potential threat on or near campus when it may be dangerous to go outside. Each staff member has the ability and authority to use the school phones as an intercom to order a Lockout if they see an imminent threat outside the building. Lockouts are most often called by law enforcement who are searching for a person in the immediate area.
SHELTER IN PLACE – Students take refuge in designated areas to protect them from hazardous materials or severe weather. No entry into or exit from the school will be allowed until an “all -clear” announcement is made. Shelter in Place is used when there is an environmental threat where the outside air is considered at risk. Some examples include highway tank truck accidents, neighborhood fires and volcanic eruptions. All windows and exterior doors are locked. The ventilation systems are shut down and students remain inside the building.
EVACUATION – is used when leaving the building is the safest alternative. For example, we may order an evacuation in the case of a fire or earthquake. During evacuations a designated point is used for assembly. Attendance is taken to assure all staff and students are safely out of the building.
REUNIFICATION – Parents/guardians will be directed by school or district communication, or public safety officials via media to their child’s specific location. Students will be released ONLY to parents/guardians or those who are documented as emergency contacts and who present a picture ID (driver’s license, military ID or passport)
What is a parent reunification site?
If public safety officials require that a school be evacuated, students and staff members will be safely transported to a designated parent-student reunification center. Parents will be informed of the reunification location via the school system emergency messaging system and local media.
Why can't I be given the evacuation and parent reunification locations ahead of time?
During emergency situations, circumstances could arise that might force changes to previously designated locations. Parents will be informed of parent-student reunification center locations via the local media and through school resources.
There are several key procedures that Stanwood-Camano schools follow in an emergency to protect students and staff. Schools perform various safety drills throughout the year, and at a minimum emergency procedures are practiced on a monthly basis.
During emergency events we will make every effort to provide information to parents and guardians of our students. This information is sent to you based on the contacts you have provided the school, which is why it's incredibly important that your contact information is always updated and correct.
RCW 28A.320.125 states:
(1) The legislature considers it to be a matter of public safety for public schools and staff to have current safe school plans and procedures in place, fully consistent with federal law.
(2) Schools and school districts shall consider the guidance provided by the superintendent of public instruction, including the comprehensive school safety checklist and the model comprehensive safe school plans that include prevention, intervention, all hazard/crisis response, and post-crisis recovery, when developing their own individual comprehensive safe school plans.