Stanwood-Camano School District #401
APRIL 21, 2020 - 1:00 PM
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM and stated the meeting is being conducted on the Zoom platform. President Hagglund announced the Board would not be receiving public comment during the meeting; written comments may be submitted from the district website or by email or U.S. Mail, and comments hand carried to the Administration & Resource Center should be placed in the drop box outside of the main entrance as the building is closed. President Hagglund noted written comments will be shared with the Board and a response, if appropriate, will be provided by the Administration.
Email public comment to:
Christine Hansen
Secretary to the Superintendent
[email protected]
Mail public comment to:
Stanwood-Camano School District
Board of Directors
26920 Pioneer Hwy
Stanwood, WA 98292
Natalie Hagglund announced that due to the meeting taking place on a Zoom platform, votes will be taken by oral roll call.
Board members present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Charlotte Murry, Al Schreiber.
Miranda Evans made a motion to approve the agenda for the April 21, 2020, Regular Board Meeting; Charlotte Murry seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber - Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Aye. Passed unanimously.
Al Schreiber made a motion to approve the minutes for the March 3, 2020, Regular Board Meeting. Charlotte Murry seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber - Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Aye. Passed unanimously.
March 3, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes
Natalie Hagglund stated the flag salute will take place after a vote on the March 3rd Board Retreat Minutes.
Ken Christoferson made a motion to approve the minutes for the March 3, 2020, Board Retreat. Miranda Evans seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber - Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Aye. Passed unanimously.
March 3, 2020, Board Retreat Minutes
Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegience
1. Donations
The donations were presented by Charlotte Murry.
2. Financial Report for February and March, 2020
The financial reports for February and March were presented by Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services. Mr. Lidgard reviewed the Executive Summary, General Fund Balance, Object Summary and Debt Service Fund sections of the reports.
Natalie Hagglund requested to pull Consent Item #17, Bills and Payroll. Miranda Evans moved to approve Consent Items #1 through #16. Ken Christoferson seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber - Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Aye. Passed unanimously.
1. Donations.
2. District and School Improvement Plans(a-n).
3. Resolution 2019/2020-006, Emergency Suspension of Policy.
4. Revised Policy 2005 School Improvement Plans.
5. Resolution 2019/2020-005 Emergency Waiver of High School School Graduation Credits.
6. Pearson Envision Program, 6-12 Mathematics, Publish Date 2018.
7. Interlocal Agreements (a-b, as listed below) with the Northwest Educational Services District 189 for Special Education Services.
a) Northwest Regional Learning Center, 2020-2021
b) Snohomish Discovery, 2020-2021
8. Interlocal Agreement with the Northwest Educational Services District 189 for the Snohomish County Detention Center Education Program, 2020-2021.
9. Authorization to Purchase Three (3) 78-Passenger School Buses.
10. Updated 2019-2020 District Office Administrator Salary Schedule which includes the Capital Projects Move Coordinator.
11. Assignment of Teachers Outside of Endorsed Area.
12. Stanwood High School Change Order No. 21 to the Contract with Cornerstone General Contractors, Incorporated, related to the Stanwood High School Replacement Project.
13. 2020 Asset Preservation Program (APP) Annual Facility Report.
14. Site Access Agreement for Seismic Monitoring at Elger Bay Elementary through March 22, 2025, then automatic renewal every five (5) years.
15. Resolution 2019/2020-004 authorizing designated Stanwood-Camano School District administration to sign documents related to the Stanwood High School, New Church Creek Campus, and Maintenance and Technology Center Modernization Projects.
16. Personnel Consent Agenda.
17. Bills and Payroll. That the Board approves the Bills and Payroll, dated April 21, 2020. (SL)
Natalie Hagglund stated the request to pull Bills and Payroll is in reference to voucher # 230026 which is made out to Natalie Hagglund for $1,000.00. Al Schreiber moved to approve Bills and Payroll, excluding voucher #230026. Ken Christoferson seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber- Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Aye. Passed unanimously.
Ken Christoferson moved to approve voucher #230026. Charlotte Murry seconded the motion.
Al Schreiber- Aye; Charlotte Murry - Aye; Ken Christoferson - Aye; Miranda Evans - Aye
Natalie Hagglund - Abstain. Passed.
February 2020 |
Warrants #229992-230025 |
$ 940,677.49 |
ACH Deposit |
$2,627,922.56 |
Electronic Payments for Retirement/
DCP/Child Support |
$ 839,553.53 |
Electronic Federal Tax Payment |
$ 921,362.62 |
March 2020 |
Warrants 230312-230349 |
$ 951,297.35 |
ACH Deposit |
$2,641,997.50 |
Electronic Payments for Retirement/
DCP/Child Support |
$ 854,270.96 |
Electronic Federal Tax Payment |
$ 928,972.24 |
Accounts Payable
February 28, 2020 |
Associated Student Body Fund |
#230026 |
$ 1,000.00 |
General Fund |
#230027-230137 |
$ 254,552.97 |
Capital Projects Fund |
#230138-230141 |
$ 8,022.83 |
Associated Student Body Fund |
#230142-230160 |
$ 11,765.07 |
March 13, 2020 |
General Fund |
#230161-230281 |
$ 238,745.59 |
Capital Projects Fund |
#230282-230294 |
$6,891,322.33 |
Associated Student Body Fund |
#230295-230311 |
$ 14,016.67 |
March 31, 2020 |
General Fund |
#230350-230452 |
$ 377,192.35 |
Capital Projects Fund |
#230453-230458 |
$ 27,220.18 |
Associated Student Body Fund |
#230459-230473 |
$ 15,082.80 |
April 15, 2020 |
General Fund |
#230474-230557 |
$ 519,796.97 |
Capital Projects Fund |
#230558-230567 |
$6,742,370.72 |
Associated Student Body Fund |
#230568-230572 |
$ 5,658.22 |
Aleena Wiegand reported on: Spirit Week and Seniors Unite where students sent in pictures that were posted to ASB Instagram; ASB elections; virtual meetings with teachers on homework and grading; Instagram Senior Showcase to show appreciation to seniors and celebrate their future plans; implementation of virtual morning announcements; school activities taking place during stay-at-home; upcoming class elections; and, graded class instruction starting April 27.
Al Schreiber expressed appreciation to Dr. Shumate and staff for their leadership during these challenging times; to certificated administrators for implementing online learning in a short period of time; to classified transportation and food service staff for ensuring meals are delivered to kids; to the YMCA and other community partners; and, to the food bank for feeding families. Mr. Schreiber also shared he is glad to see Dr. Linda Littlefield will be helping the district to coordinate the move-in.
Charlotte Murry reiterated Al Schreiber's comments and expressed gratitude for the effort everyone has been put in to providing services across the district.
Ken Christoferson reiterated Al and Charlotte's comments, adding there is a lot to be proud of in the district and community as people have stepped up. Mr. Christoferson shared he has heard from many in the community about the impact schools have had with the feeding program and learning process that is underway, and he expressed appreciation for the level of technology in place to meet demand.
Miranda Evans expressed her sentiments are the same and thanked everyone for doing a fantastic job. Ms. Evans shared her girls' teachers have been accommodating and helpful and she believes that is the case across the board. She added communication has been great and thanked everyone again.
Jean Shumate thanked her staff, adding they are an amazing group who have been working hard, and expressed appreciation for community partnerships in place. Dr. Shumate thanked the School Board for their support.
Natalie Hagglund shared a quote from author Elizabeth Edwards as follows:
“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good.”
Natalie Hagglund thanked everyone who has been involved in putting together something that is good.
Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 1:27 PM.
Vice President
Jean Shumate, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board
Date of Approval