August 16, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

August 16, 2022 - 6:00 PM


CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 PM   
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Board Member(s) Absent: Al Schreiber (Excused)

President Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Director Ken Christoferson moved to approve the Agenda for the August 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Charlotte Murry.

Aye: Directors Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

August 2, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes   
Director Charlotte Murry moved to approve the Minutes for the August 2, 2022 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Directors Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Natalie Hagglund
Abstain: Miranda Evans


At 6:01 p.m. President Hagglund opened a public hearing for the 2022-23 proposed budget and invited Executive Director of Business Services Ruth Floyd to the podium. Ms. Floyd announced development of the 22-23 budget has concluded, implementation will begin on September 1, 2022, and the totals by fund have not changed following board review at the July 5, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Ms. Floyd shared the 2022-23 F 195 Budget Report and F195 Four-Year Budget Summary are available online (see links below), and the Citizens Guide to the Budget is also available online. Ms. Floyd summarized the budget adoption process, which includes opening a public hearing and inviting the public to speak for or against the proposed budget followed by budget adoption, by resolution, which sets the spending limits for the General Fund, Associated Student Body Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Transportation Vehicle Fund.

President Hagglund asked if anyone attending in person or virtually wished to be heard for or against the proposed budget. There was no public comment.

At 6:04 p.m. President Hagglund closed the public hearing.

2022-23 F 195 Budget
2022-23 F 195 Four-Year Budget Summary 


1. July 2022 Financial Report - Ruth Floyd

Ruth Floyd provided a detailed presentation of the Executive Summary; Managers’ Expenditures Report; General Fund Balance, noted as $9.15 million; Object Summary Report  (salary and benefits), noted as 87.8% of July total spending, and the Budget Status Report. Ms. Floyd shared there will not be a fiscal report in September and October as the business office is working on closing the books for 2021-22 and will present a year-end report in November.

2. Public Information Program Report (Policy 4000) - Deborah Rumbaugh and Craig Degginger

Director of Communications Craig Degginger walked the board through the attached report highlighting communication outreach with the public for the 2021-22 school year. Mr. Degginger shared regular district communications are underway following the summer break, including Smore newsletters, Friday Family Message, website updates, and School Messenger. Mr. Degginger presented communication priorities for 2022-23, including modernization of the website to a new template provided at no cost by the district's current provider; phasing in the district’s new branding, ongoing social media development, and providing community reports, including the District Strategic Plan. During his presentation, Mr. Degginger thanked Kirsti Daniels for her work to prepare for the district booth at this year's Stanwood-Camano Fair and community business partner, Madak, for their pro-bono work on fine-tuning the new district logo.

3. Comprehensive School Counseling Plan - Robert Hascall and school counselors 

Executive Director of Special Services Robert Hascall introduced counselors JoAnna Schwartz, Twin City Elementary, and Allison Nosker, Elger Bay Elementary, who presented detailed information on the Stanwood-Camano School District’s Comprehensive School Counseling Plan, as listed on the Consent Agenda. Ms. Schwartz and Ms. Nosker walked the board through the parameters for implementing a successful counseling program, including modeling best practice from the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model: Student and Professional Standards.

4. Strategic Plan Update - Deborah Rumbaugh and Performance Fact, Inc.

Mutiu Fagbayi, CEO Performance Fact, Incorporated, provided a detailed overview of work that has occurred over the last several months to develop the district's long-range Strategic Plan (listed on the Consent Agenda Item # 4 for board approval of the district's Promise, Goals and Measures for Student Success, and Portrait of a Graduate). Discussion followed.

President Hagglund asked the board if they wished to pull any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion and offered those attending the opportunity to speak to items specific to the Consent Agenda. No items were pulled for discussion and there was no comment.

Director Miranda Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items 1 through 17; seconded by Director Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Directors Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

The administration recommends that the Board of Directors approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Approve the Second Reading of Revised Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment

2. Approve the Second Reading, New Policy 0100 Educational Equity

3.. Approve the adoption of Budget Resolution 2021/2022-013 establishing Budget Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2022/2023

4. Approve the Stanwood-Camano School District Strategic Plan, for 2022-2027.

5. Approve the Pool Use Agreement with the YMCA.

6. Approve the North County Regional Fire Authority Emergency Management Service Agreement.

7. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding for creation of an Early Childhood Assessment Team and preschool Calendar. 

8. Approve the School Resource Officer Contract with Snohomish County Sheriff for the 2022/2023 School Year. 

9. Approve the Stanwood High School Yearbook RFP Award (Walsworth Yearbooks) for the 2022/2023 School Year. 

10. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Island County Fire Protection District No. 1 and the Stanwood-Camano School District. 

11. Approve the Stanwood-Camano Comprehensive School Counselor Program

12. Approve the Professional Services Agreements and Contracts as listed below: 
a. Gersh Academy
b. Washington State School for the Blind; Orientation and Mobility Services

13. Approve Meal Prices and Student Fee Schedule for the 2022/2023 School Year.

14. Approve the Facility Use Fee Schedule for the 2022/2023 School Year. 

15. Approve the Administrative Salary Schedules  for the 2022/2023 School Year (Schedule will be attached August 15th) 

16. Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda dated August 16, 2022.

17. Approve the Bills and Payroll.


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members, will hand them with to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.

The following Stanwood community members addressed the Board regarding funding for the Youth Re-Engagement (U3) Program at Everett Community College. Each individual shared a personal story on the positive outcome the dual credit program has had on them, their student or family by providing an opportunity to earn a high school diploma as well as a college degree at no cost.

Alena Benoit
Jacob Stetson
Caleb Benoit
Irene Lyford
Ashleigh Nelson
Lydia Nelson

1. First reading (no action), New Policy 3116 Students in Foster Care
There were no questions on comments regarding Policy 3116 and it was moved forward for a second reading.
2. Student Advisors to the Board of Directors

President Hagglund opened a discussion on the role of Student Advisor to the Board of Directors.  Discussion included the current selection process and possibly adjusting the process; how the role might become more meaningful for the student; redefining expectations and communicating those expectations; and, providing opportunities for student-led research and opportunities to represent at WSSDA events. Director Evans and Murry will work as a sub committee in 2022-23 to examine the student advisor role, how it can be improved and become more impactful for students, and report back to the board for implementation in the 2023-24 school year.


President Haggland shared the context for earlier public comment; she clarified that the U3 Youth Re-engagement Program is similar to the district’s Open Doors Program, yet different as it goes through Everett Community College. President Haggland shared the U3 program has has been funded by another school district who is discontinuing their involvement, which has caused concern to try to find another district to take it on.

Director Hagglund extended appreciation to those who provided public comment and thanked everyone for attending.

Director Murry’s comments included offering appreciation for tonight’s public comment and looking forward to learning more about this opportunity for students; thanking Craig Degginger for his work on communications and the counselors for their presentation on the Comprehensive School Counselor Program; and excitement for the Strategic Plan and seeing it in action.

Director Christoferson thanked those who commented and brought this (U3 program) forward by sharing their success stories and making it impactful. Director Christoferson reflected on the Strategic Plan and the opportunities going forward to have guidance and known expectations; he added he is glad to see this plan in place and treated as a living document that will  continue to be refined to meet changing situations.

Director Evans extended her thanks to the counselors for their work and to Madak for supporting the district and providing their services on the logo project. Director Evans shared she is excited for a new look to the website and ready for a school year that is on track with a new plan.

Dr. Rumbaugh shared she appreciates all of the comments regarding U3, adding the district will follow up. Dr. Rumbaugh extended appreciation to the community for banding together for ten months to unite and develop a Strategic Plan that represents what everyone wants for all kids in the Stanwood-Camano community. 

President Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.





Vice President







Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board