June 1, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center

26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington  98292

June 1, 2021



Under the new phasing approach used by the Governor's office, regions in Phase 3 have the option to hold meetings remotely or in-person, in a limited capacity, provided there is strict adherence to all measures established by the Governor's guidance. These requirements are found in the Governor's COVID-19 Miscellaneous Venue Guidance

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When: Jun 1, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Stanwood-Camano School District Regular Board Meeting

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Guests attending in person, will be asked to complete a Health Screening Attestation, participate in temperature screening, wear a proper face covering and maintain appropriate social distancing. 

Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
President Hagglund shared about opportunities for public comment on the agenda.

Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Miranda Evans, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Al Schreiber

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Al Schreiber moved to approve the Agenda for the June 1, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Charlotte Murry.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

May 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Miranda Evans moved to approve the Minutes for the May 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously


1. Strategic Plan/Collective Commitment Update - Dr. Lloy Schaaf
Lloy Schaaf, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, and district administrative staff presented the Board with a detailed update on the district's Strategic Plan and Collective Commitment.


Natalie Hagglund announced the public may speak to items on the Consent Agenda and asked board members if they had any items to pull. There was no public comment.  Natalie Hagglund stated she wished to pull Consent Agenda item #3.

Al Schreiber moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 and 2, and 4 through 8; seconded by Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

1. Approval of the purchase of the Journeys Reading Program for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. That the Board approves the purchase of the Journeys Reading Program for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, dated June 1, 2021. (LS)

2. Approval of the contract with Northwest Educational Service District 189 to provide Student Threat Assessment Team Services, September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022. That the Board approves the Contract with Northwest Educational Service District 189 to provide Student Threat Assessment Team Services, September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022, dated June 1, 2021. (MS)

3. Approval of the Superintendent Contract with Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh, effective July 1, 2021. That the Board approves the Superintendent Contract with Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh, effective July 1, 2021, dated June 1, 2021. (MS)

4. Approval of the Stanwood-Camano School District Building Administrators Agreement, July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024. That the Board approves the Stanwood-Camano School District Building Administrators Agreement, July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024, dated June 1, 2021. (MS)

5. Approval of  2021-2022 District Office Administrator Salary Schedule. That the Board approves the 2021-2022 District Office Administrator Salary Schedule, dated June 1, 2021. (MS)

6. Approval of a fee for unreturned Chromebooks and unreturned Hot Spots. That the Board approves the fee for unreturned Chromebooks and unreturned Hot Spots, dated June 1, 2021. (DJ)

7. Approval of the 2021-2022 Non-Represented Employee Salary Schedule. That the Board approves the 2021-2022 Non-Represented Employee Salary Schedule, dated June 1, 2021. (MS)

8. Approval of the Personnel Consent AgendaThat the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated June 1, 2021. (MS) 


Maurene Stanton, Executive Director of Human Resources, introduced and welcomed Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh, Superintendent, effective July 1, 2021. Dr. Rumbaugh shared she looks forward to the opportunity to work with the board, staff and community and hearing more about the great work happening in the district. On behalf of the Board, Natalie Hagglund welcomed Dr. Rumbaugh.

Natalie Hagglund asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Item #3. Charlotte Murry moved to approve Consent Agenda Item #3; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.

Jason Toner, Stanwood resident and district parent, thanked Superintendent Shumate and the School Board for their leadership and for the district’s investment in fields and opening them up for use. Mr. Toner thanked Tom Wilfong and Tod Klundt for their patience while working with sports parents. He thanked Coach Kaiser for his service as the high school football coach and spoke in support of Reed Bumgarner as the next coach.

No items.


Al Schreiber’s comments included gratitude for the opportunity to observe Memorial Day; looking forward to Scholarship Night and graduation ceremonies; enjoying attendance at the Celebration of Excellence; and, looking forward to the Senior Athletic Banquet.  Director Schreiber thanked all staff for their work this past year, thanked Dr. Shumate for her leadership, and commented he looks forward to assigning the torch to Dr. Rumbaugh.

Charlotte Murry reflected on successfully making it through this school year and commented,  while there is always room for improvement, staff should be proud of where the district is today and the work that has been done to provide for kids. Director Murry commented she looks forward to being fully in-person next school year; she looks forward to in-person graduation; and, she reiterated everyone should be proud of what has been accomplished and share in the celebration with their colleagues.

Ken Christoferson shared appreciation for the updates, adding it provided an opportunity to look back at and celebrate the positive work that has been done while pointing out  opportunities to address short comings. Director Christoferson shared he is glad to be a part of this district and expressed appreciation to staff for all of their work and to the community for their support during a challenging time.

Miranda Evans echoed a comment Dan Johnston made during the Strategic Plan update that a "no" was never heard this past year when help was needed or information requested from staff or community. Director Evans thanked everyone for this can-do attitude. Director Evans shared she is excited for Dr. Rumbaugh to come onboard.

Natalie Hagglund thanked everyone for attending, noting there was a good turn out on zoom and she is grateful for that.

Jean Shumate’s comments included recognition of staff for their work this past year and welcoming Deborah Rumbaugh to the district, including she looks forward to working with her in the coming weeks.


At 2:22 pm, Natalie Hagglund announced the board would recess to executive session for one and one half hours to receive a bargaining update and to review the performance of a district employee.

At 3:52 pm, Natalie Hagglund reconvened the regular meeting and announced the board would meet in executive session for an additional thirty minutes to review the performance of a district employee.

At 4:22 pm, Natalie Hagglund announced the board has concluded the executive session and reconvened the regular meeting.

There being no further business, Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 4:22 pm.







Vice President







Jean Shumate, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board