Skyward Family Access Login Instructions - English
Skyward Family Access Login Instructions - Spanish
How do I log on to Family Access?
Click on the link below and then log on with your username and password to Family Access.
Student and Family Access website
How do I sign up for Family Access? What if I can't log on?
If you need to sign up for Family Access or if you forgot your user name or password, call (360) 629-1319 for help from 7:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. or email [email protected].
Why should I use Family Access?
Family Access is a web-based tool designed to enhance parent/guardian and school communication. Your use of the Family Access web site is voluntary.
Does Family Access cost money or is there a fee that I have to pay?
Family Access is provided free as a service of the Stanwood-Camano School District.
I can't get Family Access to work on my computer; what should I do?
Family Access is a web-based product, so it should work on your computer like any other web-based application, such as Internet Explorer. First, you should check to make sure you have the right Family Access web site address or URL. You can access the Family Access web portal from the link above or from each school's web site.
Can other people see my child's personal information on Family Access?
Family Access is password protected. As long as you keep your password safe it is highly unlikely that anyone else will be able to view your child's personal information.
When I log on to Family Access, I lose my connection after three to five minutes. Why?
Family Access has a default security setting that will terminate your connection if your computer is idle for longer than three to five minutes. This feature is designed to protect against unathorized access and can not be changed.
With all of the talk about Internet safety and security, how do I know Family Access is safe?
Family Access uses Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption as the security layer for data presented on the Web. This is the same encryption system used by sites that accept credit card numbers and other personal data that must be secure. Each individual, whether student, parent, or staff member, must be given a user name and password and be designated as a member of a household linked to a student in order to view Family Access information.
Can I get my high school student's transcript through Family Access?
Unfortunately, transcripts are not available through Family Access. They may be requested, however, from the high school registrar. Transcript records are retained for 100 years as per state law.