Just as your family must balance your checkbook, public schools keep a very close eye on expenses. Staff review the budget on a daily basis to ensure maximum return on each and every dollar.
Members of the Board of Directors receive a financial report each month. All financial documents reviewed by the School Board at the board meetings are available on our website for the public to view. In addition, state auditors review each school system's financial records every year to ensure business practices meet state law.
The 2022-23 Stanwood-Camano School District budget was approved by the Board of Directors at the August 16, 2022, regular school board meeting. A public hearing is scheduled during meeting.
To learn about the 2022-23 SCSD budget, please click the link: Budget Handbook for our Community. This document is an easy-to-read overview of the annual budget including our student demographics, age of our facilities, total student enrollment history, where our revenues come from, how your taxes support schools, a look at our total budget including each fund account, and our 2022-23 beginning fund balance.
Copies of the full 100+ page budget document may be obtained by request through the Business Services office at (360) 629-1200. Below is a link to the guidelines used for budget development.