
Stanwood-Camano School District continues to take proactive measures to protect the safety of all of our students and staff members. District representatives work closely with both Snohomish and Island County local emergency planning committees and emergency management teams, the groups that plan our community's responses to potential threats.

The school district and all schools have safety and security plans. The plans are designed with the help of local law enforcement, emergency management, and public health officials. These plans include procedures to respond to critical incidents, such as earthquakes or fire, and school system personnel practice these drills regularly.

The actions taken during any type of emergency situation depend a great deal on the specifics of the incident. In any crisis situation, Stanwood-Camano would follow direction from public safety officials as appropriate to ensure student safety. The ability to remain flexible is a key component of each school's plan and of districtwide preparations. 

If you have questions about your child or about your school's emergency preparedness, please contact your principal. 

What is emergency preparedness?
Stanwood-Camano School District has taken steps to ensure your child's safety while in school. Each school has developed a crisis response plan. Emergency preparedness is basically preparing the steps you will take in the event of an emergency, such as contact information, communications, and evacuation plans.

Each school prepares for multiple types of emergencies to make our schools as safe as possible. Here is a brief look at some of the emergency preparedness activities and supplies in our schools. 

  • Routine emergency drills in buildings and buses 
  • Building disaster kits
  • Building security
  • Quick response flow charts
  • Chain of command
  • Communication systems with and without power
  • CPR/first aid/AED training
  • Established crisis teams
  • Emergency/medical information for staff/students
  • Ongoing emergency training for staff
  • Crisis intervention checklists
  • Site maps
  • Water/food sources
  • Food service feeding plan