June 2, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

JUNE 2, 2020

Natalie Hagglund announced that pursuant to the Governor's Stay Home, Stay Healthy order during the COVID-19 emergency, the Stanwood-Camano School District Board of Directors will hold the June 2, 2020 Regular Board Meeting using the Zoom platform.

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 253 215 8782  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799 
    Webinar ID: 968 2651 8001
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aLnloI7aN

Natalie Hagglund noted written comment may be submitted from the district's online agenda by clicking on the Public Comment link. Comments may also be submitted by email or U.S. Mail.  Comments hand carried to the Administration & Resource Center office should be placed in the drop box outside of the main entrance as the building is closed. Comments will be shared with the Board and a response, if appropriate, will be provided by the Administration.

Email to:
Christine Hansen
Secretary to the Superintendent
[email protected]

U.S. Mail:
Stanwood-Camano School District
Board of Directors
26920 Pioneer Hwy
Stanwood, WA  98292

Drop Box:
Administration & Resource Center
26920 Pioneer Hwy
Stanwood, WA 98292

Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Charlotte Murry and Al Schreiber.

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Natalie Hagglund announced that due to the meeting being held on a Zoom platform, voting will be received by oral roll call.

Al Schreiber motioned to approve the Agenda for the June 2, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Ken Christoferson seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

May 19, 2020, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Charlotte Murry motioned to approve the Minutes for the May 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Miranda Evans seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

1. Donations
The donations were presented by Charlotte Murry.
2. Proclamation Stanwood High School and Lincoln Hill High School
Charlotte Murry introduced and read Mayor Leonard Kelley's proclamation proclaiming the month of June as the Class of 2020 Appreciation Month. The Proclamation dedicates Thursdays and Fridays in June as Lynx Thursday and Spartan Friday and, in a show of support for graduating seniors, suggests the wearing of blue and red on Thursday/Friday, respectively.


Retiree Recognitions - Maurene Stanton
Maurene Stanton, Executive Director of Human Resources (Classified), facilitated the introduction of retirees for recognition. Ross Short, Victor Hanzeli and Robert Hascall, Christine Del Pozo, and Lisa Orton each shared about the contributions of their respective staff member. The Board thanked each retiree for their years of service to the students, families, and staff of the district and congratulated them on their retirement. 

Geraldine Prater, Career & Technical Education Teacher, Stanwood High School, 19 Years of Service
Linda Anderson, Special Education Teacher, Elger Bay Elementary, 18 Years of Service
Sonja Beam, Special Education Secretary, Stanwood High School, 26 Years of Service
Monja O'Boyle, Bus Drive, Transportation, 26 Years of Service


Al Schreiber motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, items 1-4, listed below.  Miranda Evans seconded the motion.

Aye, Al Schreiber; Aye, Charlotte Murry; Aye, Ken Christoferson; Aye, Miranda Evans; Aye, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

1. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-008 delegating authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) regarding regulation of Inter-school Activities.  That the Board approves Resolution 2019/2020-008 delegating authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) regarding regulation of Inter-school Activities, dated June 2, 2020. (JS)

2. Approval of the Memorandums of Understanding with the Work Force Development Center for the Youth Apprenticeship Manufacturing Program for Stanwood High School and Lincoln Hill High School.  That the Board approves the Memorandums of Understanding with the Work Force Development Center for the Youth Apprenticeship Manufacturing Program for Stanwood High School and Lincoln Hill High School, dated June 2, 2020. (RS)

3. Approval of the Purchase of Surveillance Cameras for Elementary Schools, funded by the School Facilities and Technology Levy. That the Board approves the Purchase of Surveillance Cameras for Elementary Schools, funded by the School Facilities and Technology Levy, dated June 2, 2020. (DJ)

4. Approval of Personnel Consent AgendaThat the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated June 2, 2020. (MS) 

Al Schreiber's comments included congratulating this year's graduates; thanking Mayor Kelley for the proclamation; congratulating and thanking this year's retirees; and, thanking classified and certificated staff for all they are doing in this unusual time. Mr. Schreiber added staff have the support of Administration and the Board and expressed everyone is trying to do all of the right things for students, families, and staff. Mr. Schreiber added he looks forward to moving ahead with providing the best possible education for students.

Charlotte echoed Al Schreiber's comments and added appreciation for everything everyone is doing under the current circumstances. Ms. Murry thanked Mayor Kelley for taking appreciation for this year's seniors to the next level and thanked this year's retirees, wishing them many years of a safe and happy retirement after giving so much time to the district.

Ken Christoferson appreciated and echoed previous board member comments and added the efforts put forth to make the celebration for this year's graduates as special as possible is something he appreciates. Mr. Christoferson shared he has received positive comments from the community regarding the efforts of teachers to connect with all students in the district, adding it is important to note these sentiments have been received; and, he commented the district is fortunate to have the diversity of being in two different counties and thus having the benefit of a celebration.

Miranda Evans echoed previous board member comments and added her appreciation for everyone's efforts to end the school year on a high note and making the best out of the situation; she thanked everyone for their thoughtfulness and best effort to end on a high note.

Natalie Hagglund thanked everyone who joined the meeting; she thanked those who presented information on the retirees; and, extended her thanks to all.

Jean Shumate offered congratulations to the retirees and wished them the best and thanked the school community for all of their support.

At 1:38 PM, Natalie Hagglund announced the Board would recess to an Executive Session for approximately 60 minutes to review the performance of a district employee.

At 2:25, Natalie Hagglund reconvened and adjourned the Regular Board Meeting. 

2:25 PM.






Vice President







Jean Shumate, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board 

Date of Approval    
