August 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

August 18, 2020



Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. President Hagglund announced statutory waivers/suspensions of the Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) have been extended by the Governor, as cited in Proclamation 20-28.8, including that boards conduct meetings remotely and not in-person; therefore, the August 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting will be held using the Zoom platform.

President Hagglund announced public comment would be taken and outlined the procedures for the public to make comment during a Zoom meeting.

When: Aug 18, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: August 18, 2020 Stanwood-Camano S.D. Regular Board Meeting

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Board members present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance 

President Hagglund announced voting would take place by oral roll call.

Al Schreiber motioned to approve the Agenda for the August 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Miranda Evans seconded the motion:

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

August 4, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Ken Christoferson motioned to approve the Minutes for the August 4, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Charlotte Murry seconded the motion:

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

Natalie Hagglund invited Steve Lidgard forward to report on the 2020-21 Budget.  

2020-21 F 195 Budget    
2020-21 F 195 Four-Year Budget Summary

Mr. Lidgard noted the Resolution to adopt the 2020-21 budget is on tonight’s Consent Agenda and reviewed the amounts the board would be approving for the General Fund, Associated Student Body Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Transportation Vehicle Fund. Mr. Lidgard noted the budget resolution also addresses the four-year enrollment projections and the four year forecasts by the five individual funds; he provided detailed information on the F195-F Four Year Budget Summary, including Four-Year Annual Expenditures over Revenue, the unassigned Ending Fund Balance, and the Four-Year Minimum Fund Balance. Mr. Lidgard noted enrollment, state funding and the overall state budget are fluid and will affect district budgets.

At 6:11 PM Natalie Hagglund opened the public hearing for public comment and reviewed procedure for public speaking using Zoom.

Carlos Rodriguez, Tillicum Way, Camano Island, stated he was generally for, but had a question about which line item pays for Resource Officers. Natalie Hagglund shared comments are accepted and encouraged Mr. Rodriguez to reach out to district administration with his question.

Jennifer Larson, Thunder Ridge, Camano Island, summarized a statement made by the Governor on schools accommodating special needs students.  Ms. Larson asked what the school district is doing with the budget for special needs students so they can have equal access and what is being done to honor students with 504s and IEPs.  Natalie Hagglund encouraged Ms. Larson to reach out to Robert Hascall with her question.

Those calling in by phone were given an opportunity to speak – there were none. 

Natalie Hagglund asked if there were any others who wished to speak for or against the budget.

Natalie Hagglund asked again if there were any others who wished to speak for or against the budget.

As there were no additional comments, Natalie Hagglund closed the public hearing at 6:18 PM

1. Schools Reopening Plan Report - Jean Shumate, Lloy Schaaf, Maurene Stanton, Steve Lidgard, Dan Johnston, Robert Hascall, Lisa Orton, Mark Carter, Ross Short, Kevin Cruse, Sam MacDonald, Mary Hoffman. 
Staff presented the Reopening Schools Plan. The group reviewed the 2020-21 School Calendar; the Washington State Department of Health Decision Tree for the provision of in-person learning; the district’s Reopening Steps 1 through 4; Elementary and Secondary Continuous Learning 2.0 and Hybrid models, and instructional delivery and content. Also reviewed were a phase-in model for special populations; electives, Career and Technical Education, advisory, and graduation requirements at the secondary level; social emotional supports; and, parent supports. Plans for taking attendance, food service distribution; transportation; health and safety protocols; and, cleaning, disinfecting, ventilation and PPE were presented. Superintendent Shumate reviewed next steps which include reviewing the reopening schools template and recommending Board approval and submitting the reopening schools plan template to OSPI on August 19, 2020.

Natalie Hagglund recessed the meeting at 7:26 PM for a five-minute break.

Natalie Hagglund reconvened the meeting at 7:31 PM.

2. Schools Reopening Plan Template - Jean Shumate, Lloy Schaaf, Maurene Stanton, Dan Johnston. The Washington 2020 Reopening Schools Plan Template was presented to the Board. Superintendent Shumate noted the district meets all three requirements of the template: Part I Mandatory Health Requirements, Part II Statutory Education Requirements, and Part III Additional Expectations. Jean Shumate, Maurene Stanton and Lloy Schaaf reviewed each question and answer in Parts I, II and III; respectively.

3. July 2020 Financial Report - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reviewed the Executive Summary, General Fund Balance, Object Summary (salaries and benefits), General Fund Budget Status Report and Transportation Vehicle Fund for month-end July 2020.

Natalie Hagglund invited anyone to speak to any of the Consent Agenda items and reviewed the zoom speaking protocol.

Jennifer Larson, Thunder Ridge, Camano Island, addressed the Board regarding the Stanwood-Camano School District Reopening Plan, Consent Agenda Item #5, with regard to students of color. Ms. Larson expressed that living in Stanwood where there are not a lot of students of color she wonders if this has been forgotten and asked why students of color are not included in any special help or getting in school early. Ms. Larson shared she works for the Everett School District where there are more students of color and more opportunity; she added she has been disappointed with opportunities for students of color in Stanwood. Natalie Hagglund thanked Ms. Larson for her comments and added administration will reach out regarding her question.

Kim Robb, Kylie Park, Stanwood, addressed the Board regarding the Stanwood-Camano School District Reopening Plan, Consent Agenda Item #5, with regard to students on IEPs. Ms. Robb shared she has a preschooler and incoming kindergarten student and suggested better communication with regard to the reopening plan and how IEPs will be met; she referenced speech and occupational therapy services. Ms. Robb shared they participated in some online speech during the summer but has not heard anything since and hopes someone will reach out to let parents know how this is going to be handled. 

As there were no further comments, Natalie Hagglund asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Miranda Evans motioned to approve the Consent Agenda for the August 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.  Al Schreiber seconded the motion:

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund

Passed - Unanimously

1. Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Policy 2004 Accountability Goals. That the Board approves the Second Reading of Revised Policy 2004 Accountability Goals, dated August 18, 2020. (LS)

2. Approval of the Second Reading of New Policy 6106 Allowable Costs for Federal Programs. That the Board approves the Second Reading of New Policy 6106 Allowable Costs for Federal Programs, dated August 18, 2020. (SL)

3. Approval of the Continuation of the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF) Goals adopted on July 2, 2020, through the 2020-2021 School Year. That the Board approves the 

4. Approval of the Agreement with Bellingham Technical College District No. 25 for the Running Start Program. That the Board approves the Agreement with Bellingham Technical College District No. 25 for the Running Start Program, dated August 18, 2020. (RS)

5.  Approval of the Stanwood-Camano School District 2020-2021 School Reopening Plan. That the Board approves the Stanwood-Camano School District 2020-2021 School Reopening Plan, dated August 18, 2020. (JS) (Attachment available August 14, 2020.)

6. Adopt Resolution No. 2019/2020-010 approving the Stanwood-Camano School District Schools Reopening Plan. That the Board adopts Resolution No. 2019/2020-010 approving the Stanwood-Camano School District Schools Reopening Plan, dated August 18, 2020. (LS)

7. Adopt Resolution No. 2019/2020-009 establishing the Stanwood-Camano School District Budget Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, dated August 18 2020. (SL)

8. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Island County Fire Protection District No. 1 for the Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Fire Service Training Program. That the Board approves the Interlocal Agreement with Island County Fire Protection District No. 1 for the Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Fire Service Training Program, dated August 18, 2020. (RS)

9. Adopt Resolution No. 2019/2020-011 regarding Bids for the 2020-2021 School Year Diesel Fuel Contract. That the Board adopts  Resolution No. 2019/2020-011 regarding Bids for the 2020-2021 School Year Diesel Fuel Contract, dated August 18, 2020. (SL)

10. Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda. That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated August 18, 2020. (MS)

11. Approval of Bills and Payroll.  That the Board approves Bills and Payroll, dated August 18, 2020. (SL)


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak along with their comment topic by clicking on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or by emailing [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Commentrequest so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.

Questions or comments submitted past the two-hour window will be shared with the Board after the meeting and a response, if appropriate, will be provided by Administration.

No public comment.

Al Schreiber thanked the following: Steve Lidgard and staff for their work on the budget; Lloy Schaaf and Dan Johnston for curriculum and technology planning, respectively, to implement distance learning; Robert Hascall for working on the needs of special populations; Mark Carter and district nurses for their work on health and safety; and Kevin Cruse and maintenance staff for the extra work they are doing. Director Schreiber applauded the Character Strong Program, noting he was able to see it at WSSDA last year, and thanked Jean Shumate for her leadership; he added he looks forward to getting back to normal this fall.

 Charlotte Murry shared the same sentiments as Al Schreiber, adding a huge task has been accomplished over the summer laying out the district’s reopening plan. Director Murry added she hopes the district will get in touch with all of the families of special needs students that haven’t yet had one-on-one communication with the district so they can feel comfortable with plans for this fall. Director Murry expressed appreciation for the work staff has done and to parents who have provided feedback, adding it is a remarkable plan that will be fine-tuned over time and has put the district in a much better place than last spring when schools had to close.

 Ken Christoferson reflected on being at a place never envisioned a year ago when school started and added it is a credit to everyone – staff, parents, students, and the community – to make something work under these difficult circumstances; he offered thanks to all. Director Christoferson thanked those people who have been diligent in making their expectations known to the district by pointing out any areas that may be inconsistent so those areas can be addressed, adding he trusts the plan will be modified going forward and trusts those who have worked on the plan and continue to work on the plan are open to having all of that happen. 

 Miranda Evans echoed earlier board member comments of appreciation for everyone’s hard work to develop a reopening plan. Director Evans shared she hopes the community understands this isn’t the optimal outcome as everyone would like to go back to normal but it is making the best out of a poor situation. She commended the work that has been done, adding it is a great improvement over last year’s Continuous Learning and she is excited about everything that has been put in place. While she agrees fine tuning will happen along the way, Director Evans expressed she is confident in the changes made over the summer and that the district is in a good position to adapt to the current situation.

 Jean Shumate thanked those who gave public comment, adding it was good to hear their concerns so they can be addressed. Dr. Shumate thanked staff for their work to put together a reopening plan and thanked parents and community members who helped with the plan’s development.

 Al Schreiber extended thanks to Evan Caldwell and the Stanwood Camano News for getting word out to the community on the Reopening Schools Plan. 

 Jean Shumate invited everyone to join the elementary and secondary reopening schools parent zoom meetings scheduled for this week (August 19 and 20) to be facilitated by building principals, noting it is a good opportunity for parents to ask questions.

 Natalie Hagglund thanked attendees for joining the meeting, adding it was nice to see such a good turn out and encouraged continued attendance. Director Hagglund shared a quote, “You didn’t come this far to only get this far.” She reflected on how far the district has come and how far it will go. Director Hagglund extended gratitude to everyone for the hard work put forth this year to make learning happen. 

Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 8:07 PM.






Vice President







Jean Shumate, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board 

Date of Approval

Persons with disabilities needing auxiliary aids or services to attend and/or participate in a Board Meeting should call 360-629-1222 prior to a board meeting. This meeting is audio taped to maintain accurate records.