May 7, 2019, Regular Board Meeting

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington  98292

May 7, 2019






April 2, 2019, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2019, Special Board Meeting Minutes


1.  Donations 
2.  Governer's Proclamation - Teacher Appreciation Week - Maureen Stanton
2.  District Survey - Chad Lewis
3Career and Technical Education - Ross Short
4.  Budget Update - Steve Lidgard
5.  Enrollment - Steve Lidgard


The administration recommends that the Board of Directors approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

1.  Approval of Donations.  That the Board approves the Donations, dated May 7, 2019. (SL)

2.  Approval of
Utsalady Elementary School to Warm Beach Camp, May 23-24, 2019.  That the Board approves the Utsalady Elementary Outdoor Education Field Trip to Warm Beach Camp, May 23-24, 2019, dated May 7, 2019. (JS)

3.  Approval of Stanwood High School field trips (a-f) as listed below:
     a) Boys Golf Team State Competition in Olympia, Washington, May 19-22, 2019, and
     b) Girls Golf Team State Competition in Lacey, Washington, May 19-22, 2019.
     c) Technology Student Association National Conference, Washington D.C., June 27 through July 3, 2019.  
     d) Boys Basketball Tournament, Phoenix, Arizona, June 26 through July 2, 2019.
     e) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Competition, San Antonio, Texas, June 27 through July 3, 2019.
     f) Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) 2019 State Competition, Warm Beach Camp, Stanwood, Washington, May 13-14, 2019.

That the Board approves the Stanwood High School field trips (a-f) as listed above, dated May 7, 2019. (JS)

4.  Approval to hold a Public Hearing for the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget during the last regular School Board meeting of the year, August 20, 2019. That the Board approves holding the Public Hearing for the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget during the last regular School Board meeting of the year, August 20, 2019, dated May 7, 2019. (SL)

5.  Approval of the School Improvement Plans for Lincoln Hill High School and Lincoln Academy.  That the Board approves the School Improvement Plans for Lincoln Hill High School and Lincoln Academy, dated May 7, 2019. (LS)

6.  Approval of the First Reading of Revised Personnel Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment.  That the Board approves the First Reading of Revised Personnel Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment, dated May 7, 2019.  (MS)

7.  Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3120 Enrollment.  That the Board approves the Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3120 Enrollment, dated May 7, 2019.  (LS)

8.  Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3141 Admission of Nonresident Students.  That the Board approves the Second Reading of Revised Student Policy 3141 Admission of Nonresident Students, dated May 7, 2019. (LS)

9.  Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Community Relations Policy 4130 Title I Parental Involvement.  That the Board approves the Second Reading of Revised Community Relations Policy 4130 Title I Parental Involvement, dated May 7, 2019. (LS)

10.  Approval of the Facility Use Contract with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for Utsalady Elementary 5th Grade Outdoor Education.  That the Board approves the Facility Use Contract with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for Utsalady Elementary 5th Grade Outdoor Education, dated May 7, 2019.  (SL)

11.  Approval of the Agreement with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for the state Jobs for America's Graduates Conference May 13-14, 2019.  That the Board approves the Agreement with Warm Beach Camp Conference Center for the state Jobs for America's Graduates Conference, May 13-14, 2019, dated May 7, 2019.  (SL)

12. Approval of the Northwest Educational Services Center 189 Legal Services Cooperative Agreement for 2019-2020.  The the Board approves the Northwest Educational Services Center 189 Legal Services Cooperative Agreement for 2019-2020, dated May 7, 2019.  (SL)

13. Approval of Bus Purchase:  Two (2) 20-Passenger, Front-Engine School Buses and one(1) 12-Passenger, plus Wheel Chair Stations, Front-Engine Bus.  That the Board approves the purchase of two (2) 20-Passenger, Front-Engine School Buses and one(1) 12-Passenger, plus Wheel Chair Stations, Front-Engine Bus, dated May 7, 2019. (SL)

14. Approval of the Agriculture Education Program Re-Approval for Stanwood-Camano School District.  That the Board approves the Agriculture Program Re-Approval for the Stanwood Camano School District, dated May 7, 2019.  (RS)

15. Approval of the Authorization for Administration to issue a Call for Bids for construction of the New Maintenance and Technology Center.  That the Board approves the Authorization of Administration to issue a Call for Bids for construction of the New Maintenance and Technology Center, dated May 7, 2019.  (GP)

16. Approval of the Final Acceptance of the contract with Hellas Construction, Incorporated, for field/track renovations at Port Susan Middle School, as of March 20, 2019.  That the Board approves the Final Acceptance of the contract with Hellas Construction, Incorporated, for field/track renovations at Port Susan Middle School, as of March 20, 2019, dated May 7, 2019.  (GP)

17. Approval of the Seismic Repair Bid Award for Stanwood Middle School.  That the Board approves the Seismic Repair Bid Award for Stanwood Middle School, dated May 7, 2019 (GP)

18.  Approval of the Pavement Replacement Bid Award for Twin City Elementary.  That the Board approves the Pavement Replacement Bid Award for Twin City Elementary, dated May 7, 2019. (GP)

19. Adopt Resolution 2018-2019/009 Disapproving Proposed Transfer of Territory from Arlington School District to Stanwood-Camano School District.  That the Board adopts  Resolution No. 2018-19/009 Disapproving Proposed Transfer of Territory from Arlington School District to Stanwood-Camano School District, dated May 7, 2019.  (JS)

20. Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda.  That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated May 7, 2019. (MS) 


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving citizens in its meetings.  To permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board will provide a period at each regular meeting during which citizens may address the Board.  Those wishing to speak should sign up in advance.  The Board welcomes comments but, in general, will not act on them during the meeting. 



1.  To review the performance of a district employee for approximately 45 minutes.


Persons with disabilities needing auxiliary aids or services to attend and/or participate in a Board Meeting should call 360-629-1222 prior to a board meeting.  This meeting is audio taped to maintain accurate records.