
What to do if your student has a Life Threatening Allergy?

Physician orders for medication, a school health care plan, medications, and supplies MUST BE IN PLACE at your student’s school BEFORE YOUR STUDENT CAN START/ATTEND SCHOOL. Please get in your touch with your School Nurse as early as possible to ensure your student’s safety. Nurse Directory

The School Nurse will create a School Health Plan for your student. This plan outlines what action staff must take to support your student’s allergy management. The School Health Plan is available to staff that work with your student (including substitutes). 

Parents/Guardians must provide the School Nurse with:

  1. RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY: Please complete the appropriate allergy history form  Food Allergy Health History Form 

  2. RELEASE OF INFORMATION: Allows the School Nurse to communicate directly with your student’s healthcare provider: please request from your nurse, different providers require different forms.

  3. MEDICATION & ORDERS: Ask your student’s Licensed Healthcare Provider to complete the School Medication Administration Form.  Please sign it to authorize the orders for your Licensed Health Care Provider.

Depending on the severity of the allergy and your student’s ability to manage symptoms and follow orders set up by their Licensed Healthcare Provider, the School Nurse may authorize self-carrying and the self-administration of medication to treat your student's anaphylaxis symptoms. This can be very important at the secondary level for field trips and sports. 

All Medications are Required:

  • To be in their original pharmacy labeled container

  • To match the Licensed Healthcare Provider’s order

  • Not be expired 

  • We recommend having a “Three-Day Disaster Supply” of daily medications at school to be administered in case of lock-down. Please touch base with your School Nurse about overnight field trips / athletic trips.



PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Anaphylactic reactions at school are caused by exposure to substances to which a student is allergic and these exposures can be life threatening.  The sources of these allergens are typically foods, medications, and stinging insects.  The risk of accidental exposure to these allergens can be reduced in the school setting when school staff, students, parents/legal guardians, and licensed healthcare professionals work cooperatively to minimize risks and provide a safe environment. 

EPIPEN Information: 

pinephrine Devices