May 21, 2019, Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Student Advisor Trent Austin called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 PM in the Administration & Resource Center Boardroom.

Board Members in attendance were:  Al Schreiber, Natalie Hagglund, Julie Dean, Chad Lewis, and Ken Christoferson.

At 5:01 PM, Al Schreiber, Board President, announced the Board would recess to an Executive Session for approximately 60 minutes to review the performance of a district employee.

At 6:00 PM, Student Advisor Shawn Moyer reconvened the regular meeting.  

Shawn Moyer led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Al Schreiber made a motion to approve the Agenda for the May 21, 2019, Regular Board Meeting.  Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

Al Schreiber made a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 6, 2019, Special Board Meeting.  Natalie Hagglund seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved.  Julie Dean abstained from the vote.

Natalie Hagglund made a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 7, 2019, Regular Board Meeting.  Ken Christoferson seconded the motion; it was voted on and approved.  Julie Dean abstained from the vote.

Jean Shumate introduced the following reports:

Julie Dean presented the donations, as follows:  1) $914.31 from the Utsalady Booster Club for field trips to the Living Computers Museum, Everett Village Theater, and the Everett Children’s Museum; and, 2) $1,473.82 from the Utsalady Booster Club for the Utsalady Elementary Eagle Enrichment Stipend for Drama Club.  


    a) Classified Employee of the Year - Carrie Miller, Technology
    b) Teacher of the Year - Carrie James, Stanwood High School
    c) Student Advisors
    d) Special Recognition

Dan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources (Classified) and Director of Technology announced the Employee of the Year awards as follows:  Carrie Miller, Classified Employee of the Year, and Carrie James, Teacher of the Year.  Mr. Johnston shared in detail about the special attributes that elevated each to receiving the award.  Robert Wickstrom, Vice President and Community Bank Manager, Heritage Bank, presented Carrie Miller and Carrie James with gift certificates and congratulated each on their achievement.   Board Members presented engraved awards and certificates of appreciation and the Board and Superintendent congratulated each employee.  The awards are sponsored by Heritage Bank in partnership with Stanwood Cinemas and Dos Reales Restaurant. 

The Board of Directors recognized Trent Austin, representing Stanwood High School, and Shawn Moyer, representing Lincoln Hill High School, for their service as Students Advisors to the Board for the 2018-19 school year.  Board Members presented each with an engraved award and a certificate of appreciation and thanked them for their leadership, participation, and valuable contributions during board meetings.  

​Julie Dean, on behalf of the Board of Directors, presented Dan Johnston with the 2018-19 Board of Directors Special Recognition Award for his ongoing commitment and dedicated service to the district in the area of IT (Internet Technology).  Ms. Dean commented on the significant improvements that have taken place under Mr. Johnston's guidance, and comments from staff expressing thanks and appreciation to Dan and the technology staff for these positive outcomes were read. Mr. Johnston thanked the Board for the special recognition and extended the honor to his tech staff, sharing it has been a group effort and they have done an amazing job.

Trent Austin recessed the meeting at 6:22 PM for approximately five minutes to allow guests to leave following the award presentations.

Trent Austin reconvened the regular board meeting at 6:27 PM.

Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, presented the April 2019 Financial Report.  Mr. Lidgard shared the Governor has signed the state operating budget and discussion followed regarding possible adjustments to the district budget now that the state budget has been signed.  Mr. Lidgard walked the Board through the Executive Summary and reviewed the General Fund; Capital Projects Fund, highlighting major bond projects that are underway; Debt Service Fund; ASB Fund, noting end-of-year balances tend to spend down in May and June due to year end activities; and, the Transportation Vehicle Fund, highlighting funds that have been earmarked for the purchase of three full size buses.  

Natalie Hagglund removed Consent Agenda items 10 and 11, Personnel Consent Agenda and Bills and Payroll for discussion.  Chad Lewis moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1-9, listed below.  Natalie Hagglund seconded; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

1.  Donations
2.  Stanwood High School field trips (a-e) as listed below:

     a) Summer Yearbook Workshop, July 16 through 19, 2019, University of Puget Sound,
     Tacoma, Washington
     b) Track Team State Competition, May 22 through 25, 2019, Tacoma, Washington
     c) Girls Tennis State Tournament, May 23 through 25, 2019, Kennewick, Washington
     d) Cheer Team Camp, June 26 through 29, 2019, Centralia, Washington
     e) Mt. Olympus Leadership Camp, July 12 through 18, Randle, Washington

3.  Twin City Elementary field trip to Camp Casey Conference Center, June 10 through 12,
      2019, Coupeville, Washington.  
4.  Second Reading of Revised Personnel Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment. 
5.  Adoption of the Amplify Science Program for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.  
6.  Maintenance Agreement with KONE, Incorporated, for Elevator Service and Maintenance.  
7. Agreement with Northwest Educational Services District 189 for Data Processing Services for 2019-20.  
8. Purchase of a Surveillance System for Stanwood Elementary School.  
9. Assignment of Teachers Outside Endorsed Area.  
10. Personnel Consent Agenda dated May 21, 2019. 
11. Approval of Bills and Payroll, as listed below:


April 2019 Payroll #63592 – 63635 $  809,620.38

Payroll ACH $2,412.015.55
(Automated Clearing House)
Retirement/DCP/Child Support $   773,484.11
Electronic Federal Tax $   834,170.21


April 15, 2019 General #63411 – 63556 $   568,898.79

Capital Projects #63557 – 63568 $   657,437.30

Associated Student Body  #63569 – 63591 $       7,494.69
April 30, 2019
Associated Student Body #63636 $         800.00

General #63637 – 63755 $   497,867.62

Capital Projects #63756 – 63764 $2,968,707.12

Associated Student Body #63765 – 63801 $     23,513.52
May 15, 2019
General #63802 – 63935 $   222,970.43

Capital Projects #63936 – 63947 $   377,397.86

Associated Student Body #63948 – 63968 $     10,603.46

Natalie Hagglund invited Dan Johnston to discuss the Personnel Consent Agenda.  Mr. Johnston, introduced Julie Echols, new Utsalady Elementary principal, effective July 1, 2019.  Mr. Johnston shared Ms. Echols comes to Stanwood-Camano from the Edmonds School District and shared about her extensive background in education as a teacher, instructional coach, and assistant principal.  Ms. Echols thanked the Board and Superintendent for the opportunity and added her appreciation to Utsalady Elementary for their welcome and presence at the meeting, and shared she looks forward to getting to know staff, students, parents, and the community.  

Al Schreiber moved to approve Consent Agenda item 10, Personnel Consent Agenda.  Natalie Hagglund seconded; it was voted on an approved unanimously.

Natalie Hagglund shared her request to remove Bills and Payroll from the Consent Agenda due to a conflict of interest regarding voucher #63636.  

Al Schreiber moved to approve Consent Agenda item 11, Bills and Payroll, except for voucher 63636.  Julie Dean seconded; it was voted on and approved unanimously.

Chad Lewis moved to approve voucher 63636 payable to Natalie Hagglund in the amount of $800.00.  Ken Christoferson seconded; it was voted on and approved.  Natalie Hagglund abstained from the vote.  

The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving citizens in its meetings.  To permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board will provide a period at each regular meeting during which citizens may address the Board.  Those wishing to speak should sign up in advance.  The Board welcomes comments but, in general, will not act on them during the meeting.

No comments from citizens.

Shawn Moyer highlighted recent activities at Lincoln Hill High School (LHHS), including an assembly presented by The White Hatter organization on using social media and the importance of internet safety; an Outdoor Education field trip to Cama Beach; student testing; and, a pancake breakfast and open mic event for students to showcase their talents.  He shared the Reptile Man will be featured at an assembly on May 23, and LHHS graduation is June 20, 6:30 PM, Stanwood High School Performing Arts Center.  

Trent Austin's highlights included announcing the newly elected ASB officers for Stanwood High School for the 2019-20 school year; Senior Dessert Night and the Night Neon Dance took place in March; state testing continues throughout next week; graduation is June 19 at Angel of the Winds Arena; and, the last day of school is June 25.  

Ken Christoferson thanked Shawn Moyer and Trent Austin for leading the meeting and commended both for the great job they have done throughout the year contributing to the work and deliberations of the Board.  Mr. Christoferson congratulated Julie Echols and welcomed her to the district.  Mr. Christoferson reflected on the great work put forth by many people in the district on behalf of students and offered his congratulations to the Carrie Miller and Carrie James for their well-deserved honor. 

Chad Lewis echoed Ken Christoferson's comments and thanked the student advisors for their outstanding work and consistency of keeping the Board informed on what is happening with students.    

Julie Dean extended her appreciation to the students advisors, adding it has been a pleasure to work with them.  Ms. Dean welcomed Julie Echols to the district and thanked Dan Johnston for his work on behalf of the district.  Ms. Dean shared she looks forward to attending upcoming graduation events.

Natalie Hagglund reflected on the short amount of time left in the school year and thanked staff for hanging in there, adding they are in the home stretch.

Al Schreiber thanked everyone for attending, welcomed Julie Echols to the district and thanked Utsalady Elementary staff.  Mr. Schreiber thanked the student advisors, adding it has been a pleasure to have them serve, and thanked Steve Lidgard for the financial report.  

Jean Shumate welcomed Julie Echols to the Stanwood-Camano team and thanked Colleen Keller for her role in assisting with the transition.  Dr. Shumate shared she is proud of the student advisors and thanked them for their service.  Dr. Shumate congratulated Dan Johnston on his special recognition and thanked him for his leadership and achievements in the Technology Department.  Dr. Shumate shared she is looking forward to all of the year end events coming up.  

Shawn Moyer adjourned the meeting at 6:55 PM.  






Vice President















Jean Shumate, Ed.D.

Secretary to the Board 


Date of Approval    

Persons with disabilities needing auxiliary aids or services to attend and/or participate in a Board Meeting should call 360-629-1222 prior to a board meeting.  This meeting is audio taped to maintain accurate records.