Make a Food Service Payment

Food Services offers a variety of convenient ways to pay for school meals. 
CHECKS AND CASH: are accepted by the Lunchroom Cashier, either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals, milk or other a la carte items. If sending cash, insert cash into a sealed envelope with your student’s name, and lunch number clearly printed on the front of the envelope.  If sending a check, include your student’s name and lunch number in the notes section of the check. Parents can also make payments in person during the school's normal cafeteria hours.  For cafeteria hours, please contact your child's school. Checks should be made payable to Stanwood Camano School District (or SCSD).

ONLINE PAYMENTS with RevTrak:   Please note there is a $1.50 fee per family each time this service is utilized.  Online payments must be done on a computer, currently online payments is not available on the phone app.

There are multiple steps to complete an online payment through this secure site. Your patience is appreciated.

1) From the Skyward Family Access Page (see link below), the parent/guardian must log in. (Skyward Login and Password are provided by your school office).
2) Once you have logged in, if you have multiple children in the district, you must select one child's account (You can make payments into all children's accounts once logged in).  Select one student at the top of the page from the drop-down menu under Family Access.
3) Select "Food Service" from the left column.
4) Select "Make a Payment" in the middle of the screen. 
5) Click on the "Update Payment Amount" and enter the amount you wish to make and then select "Update Cart."
6) Click "Pay with Vendor" (RevTrack). 
7) Click YES to the SKYWARD warning "Are you sure you are ready to submit the payment?"
8) You will then be redirected to the Rev Track Site. 
9) If you are a new customer, you must register first. If you are a returning customer, enter your email address and password. Then click "Continue"
10) Go to Checkout after verifying your information. Enter your credit card or e-check and click on the Place Order to Pay.
By providing a valid email address, an email notification including the student’s name, purpose, and amount of the payment used will be sent each time a payment is processed. The Revtrak site is secure and uses industry-standard data encryption.

Click on the SKYWARD Family Access Logo link below to make a payment to your student's Food Services Account:

Online Payments are powered by REVTRAK